Meet and network with Minority Business Enterprises, corporations and government entities in and across networks and industries.
Meet and network with MBE’s, corporations and government entities in and across networks and industries.
Learn about new ways of doing business and creating sustainable operating processes.
Learn about new ways of doing business and creating sustainable operating processes.
Industry panels outline challenges and opportunities in sourcing and procurement.
Industry panels outline challenges and opportunities in sourcing and procurement.
The 54th Annual CBOF conference theme, Connecting the Dots: Business S.O.S. – Synergies! Opportunities! Solutions! is all about looking forward, embracing change, identifying opportunities and creating synergies that exponentially expand our thinking, our sustainability, and our growth.
We have scheduled an exciting variety of online workshops that will engage you, get you thinking about growth opportunities, allow networking and connections to occur, and share ways to position your organizations for the future.
Meet and connect with other minority business enterprises, major buying organizations and government entities to grow your networks, opportunities and your business.
Don’t miss this unique experience!
Join the most successful business owners and committed partners In Chlcagoland.
Join the most successful business owners and committed partners In Chlcagoland.
Opening Session Speakers

City of Chicago

EVP & General Manager,
Allstate Insurance Company

Midway Broadcasting Company
Our Sponsors